

Gradior Appearance Options

Can be manipulated with the background image style and background image position options.
Header Background
Can be manipulated with the header background image style and header background image position options.
Post Background
First widget visible, can be displayed in the header or either sidebar with the Logo Display option.
Used mostly for textual accents - horizontal rules, blockquotes, dashes before unordered lists - also for the loading spinner.
For titles in text, link and quote posts.
Header Background
Can be hidden with the transparent header background option.
Header Text
Social Icons
For icons in the social icons widget.
Post Background
This is for the content of posts, captions and permalinks. Can be hidden with the transparent post background option.
Audio Player Background
If the cumulative rgb values of this is less than 400 it will automatically revert to tumblr's black audio player. This is because the text colour of the audio player isn't changeable and the text becomes unreadable when the background is dark.
Tags Background
For when tags style is set to normal.
Can be overridden with the Font Family Body text option.
Blog Title
Can be overridden with the Font Family Blog Title text option.
Post Titles
Can be overridden with the Font Family Post Titles text option.
Page Align
Left, Center or Right.
Pagination Style
  • Infinite Scroll will load more posts when scrolled down the page
  • Infinite Scroll with Trigger will load more posts when 'load more posts' is clicked
  • Previous and Next Buttons show buttons for navigating forward and back
  • Jump Pagination shows numbered navigation
Background Image Style
  • Repeat will tile image.
  • Fixed Repeat will tile image and not move on page scroll.
  • No Repeat will display image once.
  • Fixed No Repeat will display image once and not move on page scroll.
  • Cover will scale image to fill whole page and not move on page scroll.
Background Image Position
Center, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left or Bottom Right. For repeating or covering backgrounds center should be used.
Header Background Image Style
Same options as Background Image Style.
Header Background Image Position
Same options as Background Image Position.
Header Align
Text align for header, can be Left, Center or Right.
Blog Title Style
Normal, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic.
Logo Display
  • Header.
  • Left Sidebar.
  • Right Sidebar.
Blog Title Display
Same options as Logo Display.
Description Display
  • Header.
  • Left Sidebar.
  • Left Sidebar - Dropdown will show content when plus button next to title is clicked.
  • Right Sidebar.
  • Right Sidebar - Dropdown will show content when plus button next to title is clicked.
Search Display
Same options as Links Display.
Twitter Display
Same options as Links Display.
Instagram Display
Same options as Links Display.
Flickr Display
Same options as Links Display.
Soundcloud Display
Same options as Links Display.
Dribbble Display
Same options as Links Display.
Youtube Display
Same options as Links Display.
Vimeo Display
Same options as Links Display.
Lastfm Display
Same options as Links Display.
Following Display
Same options as Links Display.
Likes Display
Same options as Links Display.
Photoset Layout
Sets the default display for photosets, although they can be curated on a post-by-post basis using tags, shown in brackets.
  • Normal displays photoset in the mosaic pattern as seen on the dashboard, you can chose the margin between images with the photoset image margin option. (#slideshow-normal)
  • Separate displays images in a horizontal list, also separated with the photoset image margin. (#photoset-separate)
  • Only First Image shows only the first image in the photoset, the rest can still be accessed by toggling through the lightbox which appears when the first image is clicked. (#photoset-one)
  • Slideshow with Thumbnails shows a line of thumbnails above the slideshow, images can be toggled through by clicking the thumbnails. (#photoset-slideshow-thumbs)
  • Slideshow with Arrows shows slideshow that can be clicked through with left and right arrows. (#photoset-slideshow-arrows)
  • Slideshow with Dots shows slideshow with dots at the bottom to jump between images. (#photoset-slideshow-dots)
Tags Display
  • Draggable shows the tags next to the permalink icons and timestamp, if the width of tags exceeds the space you can drag them left and right like on the tumblr dashboard.
  • New Line shows tags on a separate line to the permalink information.
  • None hides tags on the index page.
Tags Style
  • Normal shows tags as little tags shapes with the tags background colour.
  • Plain shows tags prepended with a hash sign #.
Transparent Header Background
Transparent Sidebar Background
Transparent Sidebar Widget Background
Transparent Post Background
Full Width Header
When activated the header will stretch the full width of the page, good for when the header has a background, otherwise the header will be the width of the content.
Fixed Left Sidebar
Makes the left sidebar stick to the page when scrolling.
Fixed Right Sidebar
Makes the right sidebar stick to the page when scrolling.
Hide Twitter Replies
Removes any tweets that start with an @ symbol from your twitter display. If all of your first 20 tweets are replies and this is activated the twitter widget won't show anything.
Hide Header
Hide Blog Title
Hide Description
Hide Search
Hide Following
Hide Likes
Hide RSS Icon
Hide Caption
Hide Like Button
Hide Reblog Button
Hide Zoom Button
Hide Share Button
Inverse Tumblr Controls
Instead of the tumblr buttons at the top right of the screen showing as grey buttons with white text, activating this will show them as white buttons with black text. It's not really recommended because it goes against tumblr's aesthetics but if you want a more minimal display here's an option.
Light Youtube Player
Show youtube embeds in video posts with a pale action bar. This is a niche option.
Classic Post Notes
Shows post notes as a list instead of separating them into comments, likes and reblogs.
Font Size
Size of body text in pixels (but you don't need to put the 'px'). It's not recommended to be less than 11 or more than 20.
Titles Font Size Ratio
This is the ratio between the size of normal text and titles. I'd recommend somewhere between 1.8 and 3, but feel free to go crazy.
Font Embed Code
For embedding custom fonts from services like Google Fonts and Typekit. Paste your embed code here and fill in the next couple of field with the font names (e.g. 'Source Sans Pro, sans-serif').
Font Family Body
Overrides Body font.
Font Family Blog Title
Overrides Blog Title font.
Font Family Sidebar Titles
Overrides Sidebar Titles font.
Font Family Post Titles
Overrides Post Titles font.
Header Padding
The padding inside the header.
Post Width
Can be anything, the right-sized images will be loaded dynamically. Although I recommend you keep within the limits of 300 and 1000.
Post Margin
The space between posts.
Post Padding
The padding inside the content of posts.
Photoset Image Margin
The space between images in photoset posts.
Description Title
The title for the Description widget.
Search Title
The title for the Search widget.
Twitter Title
The title for the Twitter widget.
Tweets To Display
Number of tweets to display, if this is set to 0 the twitter widget won't display.
Instagram Title
The title for the Instagram widget.
Instagram Username
When filled the Instagram widget will be visible.
Instagram Maximum Images
Maximum Instagram photos to be displayed.
Instagram Images Per Row
Photos per row in the Instagram widget.
Flickr Title
The title for the Flickr widget.
Flickr ID
When filled the Flickr widget will be visible. Note this is your Flickr ID and not username, you can find out your ID here.
Flickr Maximum Images
Maximum Flickr photos to be displayed.
Flickr Images Per Row
Photos per row in the Flickr widget. If above 1 photos will be cropped to squares
Soundcloud Title
The title for the Soundcloud widget.
Soundcloud Username
When filled the Soundcloud widget will be visible.
Soundcloud Maximum Tracks
Maximum Soundcloud tracks to be displayed.
Dribbble Title
The title for the Dribbble widget.
Dribbble Username
When filled the Dribbble widget will be visible.
Dribbble Maximum Shots
Maximum Dribbble shots to be displayed.
Youtube Title
The title for the Youtube widget.
Youtube Username
When filled the Youtube widget will be visible.
Youtube Maximum Videos
Maximum Youtube videos to be displayed.
Vimeo Title
The title for the Vimeo widget.
Vimeo Username
When filled the Vimeo widget will be visible.
Vimeo Maximum Videos
Maximum Vimeo videos to be displayed.
LastFm Title
The title for the Last FM widget.
LastFm Username
When filled the Last FM widget will be visible, it shows your most recently played tracks.
LastFm Maximum Tracks
Maximum Last FM tracks be displayed.
Following Title
The title for the Following widget.
Likes Title
The title for the Likes widget.
Disqus Shortname
For Disqus comment integration.
Analytics ID
Tracking ID for Google Analytics.
Clicky ID
Tracking ID for Clicky.
You can also enter urls for any of the following social media sites which will show as icons in the theme: